Extreme clutter requires extreme measures. While getting rid of items does not necessarily rid you of the mindset that played a dominant role in you acquiring so much, it can change your perspective greatly. This exercise has had that effect on many who have tried it.
Are you ready?
First, empty all the items out of your closet and dresser drawers. That’s right everything. Proceed to make four piles:
• Love: These clothes fit me well and I wear them frequently.
• Maybe: I want to keep but I’m not sure why. (you know you have those items)
• Donate: I never wear these things.
• Trash: These items are in poor condition.
After you empty everything out and create your piles, wash your closets and drawers with a little soapy water. While those areas dry, take a walk, go out for lunch or just get away from the project for about an hour. When you return, hit the piles.
The donate and trash piles are self-explanatory. Bag those two piles and move on to the first two.
For items in the Maybe pile, ask yourself these two questions:
1. Would I go to the store and buy this today?
2. Will I wear this in the next 3-6 months (or ever)?
Items that receive a no answer form another donate pile. Bag those items and put it with the other bags for donation or trash. Then return your Love clothes back to the appropriate closet and drawers.
Going through this exercise once a year can have quite an impact on your mindset when it comes to buying clothes. Especially if this exercise takes the better part of a day to complete. To complete this exercise, mark your calendar for the next purge. Having that date on the calendar can’t help but make you think twice about a purchase that might add time to next year’s purge.
If you want a partner in this exercise or any other decluttering project you might have, please give me a call at 508-246-6120.