This time of year often has me thinking about the founding fathers (and mothers) and how different life was back then. It was simple. For many, the mission of the day was to put food on the table. Today, we have so many things asking for our attention, we tend not to give any one person or activity the proper amount. So, in the spirit of the founders of our great nation, here are some suggestions for simplifying your life.
- Possessions – This is an easy one. You can lighten your load any time by donating items you do not use. Check out last month’s newsletter for some pointers.
- Time commitments – We fill our schedules to the brim with appointments and activities. Are there areas where you can pull back on your commitments and just have time for yourself or your family?
- Goals – How many of you have multiple goals—long-term or short-term? Pare down to one or two. If you reach those goals, you can always set other ones or raise the bar higher.
- Debt – Having debt can literally hold you hostage. If you have debt, come up with a strategy to lower it—even just a little bit (e.g. make two monthly payments instead of just one).
- Screen time – For many of us, you do need to be on a computer for work and it’s difficult to cut that back. Yet during your free time, you do have a choice. You can watch fewer Netflix shows, play fewer video games, or even text your friends less (how about a phone call?). When it comes to screen time, more is less.
- Stop multi-tasking – There’s plenty of research out there that you are far less effective when you multi-task. Not to mention the increase in stress. Take on one task at a time and then move on to the next. Simple.
Hope everybody had a great holiday weekend! If you would like to simplify your summer by lightening your possessions load, please call me at 508-246-6120 or drop a line.