At the start of this pandemic, many people were scrambling to get their taxes done. Sure, the recent extension of both state and federal returns bought some time for filing taxes. But for many, if you have a filing system that’s less than desirable for getting your taxes together or even paying your monthly bills, there’s no time like the present to get that part of your house in order. Except for one thing…
A lot of people don’t know where to begin.
Fear not. I do.
One of the organizing services The Mudroom offers is file organization. No matter what you have that needs filing or to be better organized, we can take care of it. Check out what I did for my business above. We can do the same for you.
Another side project you might be facing is photographs. Boxes and boxes of them. On one hand, we love the new digital technologies. On the other, we can’t bear to part with the boxes of photos taking up space. The Mudroom also offers scanning services. This way you can have the comfort of knowing you have all your photographs safely stored on thumbnail drive, available for reprint should you ever need those pictures.
This pandemic has forced many of us to work at home. The projects in your home office may not have seemed so urgent when you could go to your work office. Now that your work office and home office are one and the same, these tasks can add to the stress. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during this time. We can arrange front-door pickup and drop-off to ease your mind.
If you’re not sure what decluttering projects you could undertake during this period, check out our list of services and then give me a call at 508-246-6120.